Sunday, June 08, 2008

Family Reunion 2008

Well another reunion come & gone. We were all there with the exception of 2 families... The Graces & Daniels were unable to make it. Sure missed them tho... Here we all are:
Larry Rhea Family...
Larry Lee Rhea Jr. Family
Brian Duane Rhea Family
Sophia will tell you the food was very good this year!!!
So until next year...


Mema said...

They are great pictures. Thank you for posting them.
That last one is a winner!!

Anonymous said...

Ick, it's not even the right end of the chicken leg! Hmmm...time to work on the "ladylike" behavior.

Darlene said...

These are great pictures! Your little family has g.r.o.w.n! I can still remember my little Larry toddling down the drive way :)

Love you guys!

Denise said...

We are a great bunch, uh???

DonnaB said...

Love all the pictures, sorry I haven't commented until now. I'm looking forward to hearing about the lake fun!

Mrs. Picota said...

What a beautiful family. You should be so proud.