While LL & C went on vacation, we got a little vacation of our own... time w/ Aidan & Sophia. It was so much fun. We did something different everyday. Mimi brought them to us on Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday evening we went to Wade's Park. They played and had a great time. On Wed, after work, we went by the house & packed a dinner & then we out to the lake for dinner. After eating, we walked down to the waters edge & they threw rocks into the lake. They must have thrown a hundred or more & still wanted to stay for more. It felt so good... the sun was going down, it was shady & that cool breeze coming off the lake.... I think I could have just stayed out there if we had a tent... Thursday, we went to McDonald's for dinner then over for a visit w/ Mema & then off to Aikin's playground. They had the most fun there!!! Sophia could not get enough of those slides... she would climb up the ladder and down the slide w/out even a thought of how high it was or anything. They had a blast...
Aidan on the phone with mom & dad

But then came Friday... Mom & Dad came & got Sophia about 11ish & then picked Aidan up from school & our time was over. It was so fun and we all had a great time. Next week, we get to do it all over again with Clara!!! What fun it is to be a grandparent...
Sounds like you guys had a really fun weekend!! Having dinner out at the lake sounded like a really nice way to spend an evening!!
Thanks so much for keeping them for us, you guys. And for watching Leia, too. Aidan told us all about going to the lake and the park. You're right; they had a great time!
I still remember the times in Austin when the grandkids came for a week. It was so much fun, swimming, fishing, climbing on the old train engine. Meeting Mom and Dad half way, giving them back and getting some more for some more fun all over again. With 8 grandchildren, it took a while to entertain them all.
They all enjoyed going to the State Capitol for a tour and climb up the stairs. It made for a busy summer.
Oh, the great memories. The great parks, remember kids?
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