Sunday, June 08, 2008

TBall Season already over!!!

The start of the game always begins on the fence. I believe he climbed the fence just about every game. What fun that is...

Batter, Batter, Batter... Swing Batter...

And swing he did... only a single but that is pretty much all they did hit... :)

Can you tell this is towards the end of the game? That was so funny... he "ran" just about all the way from first to second like that... do you think he is alittle tired???

Dad & son w/ their trophies. What a great season it was & so many more to come...

Ya think he is proud of that trophy??? I think so...

You are a great ball player Aidan & we all love you very much...

Keep up the good playing!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for coming to his games, you guys! Same time, same place next year?

Denise said...

Can't wait!!!