Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Stay w/ Mamaw & Papaw for Clara...

This time Mom & Dad went on vacation & Clara got to stay with Mamaw & Papaw. We had such a great time. We don't get to see her as much & it was so wonderful to have this time with her. She is such a sweet little angel. I took off 2 days from work to get to spend time with her. Clara got to have her very first "Grandmother Wednesday". Two sweet precious woman who love her so much.
Here she is with Mema:
Next came Grandma:
She even got to visit with her cousin Patrick who was up from Waco for a visit.
Here is Aunt Kee getting some Clara time in...
Can't go to Mema's without a rest in the "Ancestrial Babybed". All of Mema's kids have slept in this bed, all her grandchildren & now all of her gr-grandchildren have laid in the bed...
Sophia giving her driving instructions on the car.
Yep... I think she has it under control.
Clara driving about town & checking out the downtown square... After a nice drive around the square to see the sites, we returned back to Starnet. What a nice day for a drive...
Mom & Dad made a surprise return Friday at noon. We thoroughly enjoyed our sweet Clara. She is such a good baby. Can't wait until our next visit to see her again. It really is great to be a grandparent.


Anonymous said...

What a great adventure for your little one! Loved all these pictures and the ones on the previous posts I've missed commenting on. You are very blessed! :)

Mema said...

Oh what joy tending grandbabys. We just got them when they were older, but we did our share. And it was so much fun. I love all the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Laura Rhea said...

I know she had so much fun with her mamaw and papaw and was well loved and cared for - thank you again so much! I loved seeing these pics and what we missed out on. That crib is so special and I'm glad that Clara got a chance to be a part of the history!