Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Anyone for a Ride???

Sorry no pics for this post... What fun we have had the last 2 days... Monday we went to Bonham State Park & rode our bikes on the trails there. They are not at all what I was expecting... I was expecting a "trail" like the Trail de Paris is... smooth, concrete, pretty much level... NNNNOOOO!!!!! These bike trails are hiking trails that bikes can go on. They were about 2 ft wide, sticks & stones, rough, up hill, down hill... but I made it!!! Today we went to Lake Bob Sandlin State Park & rode the trails there. I would say some of these were easier than BSP but then some were down right scary but Imade them also!!! Larry was even impressed by some of the uphills that I did manage. One thing, they are bike AND hike trails because we did walk our bikes up hill some. All in all, they were fun to ride on. Now that I have had a tiny bit of experience, we just might tackle those behind yalls house Brian... They looked scary Sunday but now, I just might can try them. Anyway, not sure what trails we will do next but we did see some good ones in Waco, Miss so get your bike out & get ready when we come down!!! :)


Mema said...

Boy, you both are brave to do all of that. But I am glad you were having fun. What's up for today?
Better rest up before going back to work,
See U soon. Love......

Brian Rhea said...

Yeah!! Bring your bikes along the next time you're in Dallas!!